dr. strangemonkey

Just to note: I would watch the Hell out of a show called Mexican Crime. Done right it would be amazing and important, done wrong it would be an entirely different kind of amazing and important.

Literally shameless?

Many moons ago, I worked in a not-at-all cool comic books store. And while I and my cohorts clearly belonged there, there was one clerk who was clearly rocking the cowboy lothario thing right down to mother of pearl snaps on his shirt and hordes of 'secretly' crushing local groupies who had to be kept at bay.

I remember a long episode arc involving the Desert guy and treachery, that plus Cthulu Destro are always lurking around in my brain with the 'how the fuck was this for kids?' tag attached to it.

There's actually a fair amount of theory that that's exactly what you want.

Or we could be dealing with a missing comma situation and it's…

Thank you!

Sure, but the weird thing is that this is an industry where more control correlates inversely with price.

What episode is it that Sheryl Swoopes and Deep Blue join the team?

That's moderately good to hear!

Nah, I gotta say I'm not seeing this crime. You raise kids in habits, religion has a lot of habits associated with it. Consciously picking a set of habits to guide that doesn't strike me as any worse than raising your kid as a runner or a vegetarian. Choice is going to enter into it eventually, and exposure as opposed

Did that show go past the pilot?

Also important to note, her complaint was not really in line with any analysis of Knocked Up that might reasonably include the word problematic.

Very lucky, the horror stories I have heard and experienced…
at one point I was on the periphery of a situation where a grad school dean just started improvising appeals procedures till someone pulled in an undergrad ombudsman to get the right committees involved. And another where the committee chair insisted to the

Except that when I hate the motives and STILL want them to push out APUSH somehow that puts me in an awkward position.

Look, yes, the basic motivations behind this are absurd, but…

Eh, I think how we do with resource shortages and environmental issues might lead us to an economic collapse if you qualify environmental under economic.

There were some good sanguine emperors, but the adoption system does seem to have its advantages.

There's shockingly strong continuity in the upper classes, enough that it makes a strong argument for the weakness of the actual imperial system. As long as there was someone (Roman Emperor, Gothic Dux, whatever) they could refer to when they needed swords at the frontier the old senatorial families would just keep on

To paraphrase Faulkner:
"The history of western art is worth the blinding of a 100 Byzantine princes."