I think you mean "cleft" in twain, not "cleaved". Did you cleave it? Sure, I cleft it. Now it is cloven. In twain.
I think you mean "cleft" in twain, not "cleaved". Did you cleave it? Sure, I cleft it. Now it is cloven. In twain.
Hey! Come on guys! This isn't Youtube!
If your mom jumped off a cliff, would you run into traffic? Exactly!
You got it!
What way would that be? I want to hear your idea!
You're impressing nobody.
Great cameo from Har Mar Superstar!
That's "tenets", not "tenants".
I really like this show!
Those are perfectly cromulent words.
Plenty of chucklesome stuff in the episode, but I found it rather one-note and I found the ending deeply unsatisfying. Although I did like the having your cake and eating it gag.
See also The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster from Brighton, England. Probably too inventive to be called psychobilly, but they certainly had that tightly-wound horror-greaser aesthetic, with slapback reverb-drenched baritone crooning and twanging surf-garage guitar riffs. https://youtu.be/NeSxjWMcAB4
Yeah, totally nuts! The only other band I've seen/heard live that left that kind of impression on me are Neurosis. They have a projectionist who tours with them so it's this super intense audio-visual experience, and they played the whole set straight through with no breaks between songs, just non-stop crushing sound…
Also noteworthy: California's The Locust. Not only do the band perform their unique brand of brain-melting alien hardcore clad in bizarre bug costumes, their sound engineer and photographer can be seen going about their business in full locust getup too.
Best Burns ever!
Taking drugs
is way more fun than talking about them.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that before Burgess wrote A Clockwork Orange, his wife had been violently assaulted and died as a result. Looking at it in that context, the book seems less like a diatribe against a marauding youth culture and more like an attempt to understand and come to terms with that dark side…
Blandy McBlanderson
Yes! We have a new Rabinism chart-topper! I haven't been this amused since motherfuckery!