John Smith

As a Scottish person currently living in America, the lack of Irn Bru in this country is a constant source of bewilderment to me. This is a country fueled entirely by sugary by-products.

Didn't Aled Jones sing the original version of walking in the air?

T'aint alot, but it's there

What about Kevin Wilson's "Santa Clause You Cunt?"

Its called "Classic Rock" because the people who listen to and buy modern (or "Pop" music) weren't even born when it was released

I lived in Asia for 12 years, spent alot of time with prostitutes and took loads of drugs. Wheres my money?

What made the first (Second?) Thing movie work is that none of the characters actually liked each other very much and the only thing they could agree on was that they all disliked Kurt Russels character. To the extent that they were willing to believe he was responsible for all the mayhem in the face of evidence to

I vote for Playboy Honeybadgers..because I already dont give a shit about this

Its not the kids fault, its the adults who take them because they are shitty parents who dont know how keep kids properly entertained. So they take the little bastards to these shitty, "safe" movies because they dont know any other way to get them to shut up for a couple of hours

I am still waiting for the gritty reboot of Deputy Dawg. You'd get racism AND southern jokes

He may be refering to Hudson Hawk, where all the dialogue is done at 150% speed and volume

Class doesnt pay the rent

A couple of winters ago I was working on a project in Finland and two of my nieces came to visit. One evening we went out for dinner at a restaurant my girlfriend told them served "traditional Finnish food" - neglecting to add "made almost exclusively from reindeer". I thought nothing more of it until a couple of

yeah but Oliver Reed had been drinking himself to death since the 1970's. The only reason he lasted as long as he did was that his insides were embalmed

@ tedpikul

Robocop 3 was ok, apart from that stupid flying sequence at the end that looked like it had been green screened in someones bedroom

Men are from earth, women are from earth…deal with it

"How to become famous for doing something for which you have no discernable talent" 101

Fix it quickly - else Fergie turns it into a lyric

I first saw this in a backwoods cinema in the Philipines. They played the reels in the wrong order. Somehow it made the movie better