LOrange Noir

I don't comment very much as I read the reviews at Monday morning at the office where Disqus doesn't work (as well as being behind the conversation here in the UK), but I really enjoy them. As others have said, they're always fantastically written and add to my enjoyment of the episode. It's a shame that the season 4

I'm watching things through (for about the third time) with my Fiancee, who is new to the show. After this episode finished, she immediately went to grab the boxset of the third season to check Aeryn was on the cover!
I'm not going to make her wait until November though, I think we'll start watching after a break of a

I'll miss these reviews too and second (or third!?) the motion to get some reviews of sporadic episodes throughout seasons 5-7 at some point in the future. Hopefully there would be enough interest to make that viable.