The Economoist

Also, Lawrence of A-labia

Schindler's Fist

Crazy Bones are the coolest!

I'd hate to be a shareholder in a company that issued a cum dividend.

Normally I'm all about brunettes over blondes, but I'm all about Kristen Bell. Even with her sporadic appearances (hopefully there will be more this season), she could still charm my pants off. Literally.

I thought the second half of Season 1 was great. Season 2 was fantastic, although it felt rushed. What a shame that Whedon didn't get to unravel that story over 5 seasons (as he had planned).

(We also often make appeals to Godwin's Law)

Banmar, that sounds like a complaint that only a Nazi would make!

I was really happy when they actually crucified James Caviezel. That was authentic

A woman walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a double entendre…

Terror Tunes
I used to be a fan of "so bad it's good" movies, but after seeing Terror Tunes, I was completely cured of it. That movie was so bad that I fell asleep — not because I was tired, but as a self-defense mechanism to protect my brain.

I totally just did that and I think my roommates are confused.

Totally agree with wolfmansRazor. If it weren't for Great Job, Internet!, I wouldn't have heard of awesomeness like "Michael Buble Being Stalked By A Velociraptor" or the ICP "Miracles" video. And if I wasn't familiar with the ICP video, I would have been totally lost when they parodied it on SNL last weekend.

udjibbom, I totally agree with you. The exhale was funny, but Ted's mom delivered her line so well.

Let's see more women with large… vocabularies.

Round these parts, you're obligated to hate something if a frat boy could even conceivably enjoy it.

"On a particularly cold New York evening, Lawrence expresses regret for the hypothermia contracted by a stuntman who had to lay 'facedown on the pavement for a shot we didn't use.'"

I had more of a problem with Scott's comparison of the two shows. Calling Generation Kill "The Wire: Iraq" doesn't do justice to either show. Yes, they're focused on institutions, but the shows are so different in substantive ways. Maybe season 1 of The Wire has that focus, but it also takes on a unique perspective

Other white things

Fuck James Cameron.