Marion Cotesworth Hay

Guest stars
Steve didn't mention that these two eps featured two awesome guest stars: Hal Holbrook as Albie Duncan (possibly my favorite recurring guest) and Gerald "Major Dad" McRaney. I always though TWW did a good job of bringing in fitting guests for single shot or recurring guest spots.

he disappeared for a while and when they brought him back in season 6 (or 7?) he was all bloated and not as cool

Me too! I love this character and Holbrook is perfectly cast.

@ Leo, thanks for that line! I say that to people all the time!

It seemed like they were written as antagonists, though. They were whiny, belligerent, and confrontational throughout the series and you never got the sense they were 'on the team' of preserving humanity as much as they were looking to play 'gotcha' with Adama and Roslin —- just like the real press! http://www.theatl

ha. so adama and roslin got the press equivalent of that woman who comments on CJs wardrobe covering the end of civilization and it's aftermath. Nice. No wonder they always found them annoying!

What's her deal with Bruno? It seemed like they were setting up a romance, but because it was between a recurring guest star and a background character it didn't make a lot of sense and it never went anywhere after he gave her that necklace.

The theme of fear is worthy of exploration. As noted in some season 1 and 2 eps, the Bartlet white house always seems to be REacting to various grenades (press, political, actual) lobbed at them and wringing hands over the nuance and morality of most issues. Meanwhile, their (usually republican) opposition