infinite sadness

danrimage and geddy pee, you have restored my faith in online discourse.

I thought Marcel was super annoying…so it speaks volumes that I still thought he should have won that season, firstly because he took more risks and secondly because Ilan & Co. seriously creeped me out with their groupthink, Marcel-is-the-enemy-who-must-be-destroyed-at-all-costs, attitude. Sure, he was smarmy, but

warehouse kitchen = the honors kids
Did anyone else notice that when Nikki found the grit in the clams, they had actually plated a dish of the linguini for her to taste? That's quality control, right there. Mai Buddha never had a chance.

how exactly is it going to distinguish itself from (1) The OC, and (2) Gossip Girl, except by possibly being (1) less self aware, and (2) with less attractive people and clothes?

Hmm, that's right, and whatserface coma blonde chick was trying to talk VM through it.

Amber comes back from the dead. Those pills she took? Vampire blood!

My roommate vows to name his kid Panthro if it is a boy and Cobra Commander if it is a girl (C.C. for short).