

It's better than time out of mind.

Yeah, Politics and the English Language is a much clearer and ultimately more interesting than 1984. It can't be misunderstood and misused quite so much as that book often is, and it deals with the meatiest of the books themes. But then, it's not fiction.


Mayfield was a hugely imposing and influential guitarist, along with Steve Cropper I think the finest in R&B. I think only guitarists into older music even know this, though.

The problem with geeks is they're hard to keep happy. I try to stay a happy geek. Thank you AVC, I get a lot out of this feature.

when people stopped paying for music

i want to see it happen

Guy Clark albums in order:
Keepers (Live) - great introduction
The Dark
Dublin Blues

Yeah, but it's been fun watching people wrap their minds around it.

Enough of this. Tell me about Johnny 2 Bags

Mouzone kinda sucked.

"Nashville" sucks. Sorry, it just does. It's definitely made for country music non-fans, which is like, why?

Chuck Berry & Little Richard weren't "stumped" by the beatles or anyone else… Berry was put in prison for 16 months, and Little Richard became a minister. There was just a fallow period for a while before the Beatles broke.

Shit yeah, Andy summers was good as shit, totally unusual guitar player with great rhythms, voicings, always served the song. The man had studied his jazz lines for sure. When you're so good you don't need to solo, you're capital G Good. Too bad I can't stand to hear their songs anymore.

Oooh, goody! Why is mingle right, everyone? Well, I'm glad you asked!

Don't forget the trolls in the Hobbit, that could be pretty awesome and…. cannibal-tacular.
And flying in the talons of giant eagles…. the same ones that come to get frodo in the end of LOTR

So people like me can hear about it. herrrrmmm.

I wish John Daly & Tiger would create their own PGA tour, complete with drinks and cigars on the course, and hookers lining the green. I would watch that.