
So how realistic is it that in that crowded house no one complains about Carl constantly rubbing one out?

Looks to be 1983
Note the calendar on the bulletin board in Vasili's office

I keep hoping it will be something like she meets Mr. Right and moves to LA after getting married.

What? No comments about Carl's impending hookup with Enid next week?

Why not just have an open post each week for those of us who want to comments?

"Saul/Cleaning Lady: 8.1/10"

I wish AV Club would give it another episode or two to see how the new format plays out before dropping this.

I was thinking the same thing.  He walks over to Don and calls him that.  If he did not see it on the lighter why call him LT instead of Captain,  Sergeant etc etc etc?

Phillip had to do something.

Was there a reason they skipped last week?

I was getting that lesbian vibe.

Carl was right to shoot that kid.

No episode tonight.

Naw, I think the freaky Germans are into giving the golden showers

No more ridiculous then Andrea and Milton invisibly moving around behind the screen while the Governor sets up his torture chamber.

No mention of Irina's cover story to Andrzej?

That interview was great.

Wow, was a bit worried there when Chase started to lose it.  Was wondering if this was going to become worse case scenario with Chase storming off the set …