
I strongly suspect Jon and Dany will meet right before the credits roll - which just pisses me off.

I gotta admit, I LOL'd at the end. It's so very Richard.

Well, the trial lasted 6 weeks. They couldn't cover every tidbit in the documentary. Apparently, even some of the defense's evidence was left out because there wasn't time.

Why would Malibu be a bad place to live? California has amazing farmland, plenty of sun to fuel solar panels. You have the ocean, temperate weather.

YES! They do the preview for the next episode after the credits, and I swear Richard always has the best joke in every one. I loved the joke for the next week:

Apparently the actors have been very close friends in real life for a decade — knowing that makes it even better, in my opinion.

While the Gary-Selina yelling scene was great, I laughed a lot harder at the speech that preceded it — from the way she said "house" to the way Gary started trying to hide as speech went on.

- Most of the conflict with Israel and the Arab world is trying to get Israelis to leave the region and give it back to the Palestinians. In other words, the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict can basically be boiled down to the Israelis being told to move on, and resisting it.
- Mossad is a kind of like a secret

They never say what happened on Labor Day, and I definitely didn't come away from that scene thinking they'd had sex.