winston scoobydoo

Smiths Tour
Back in spring 1988, my bro's first full day back from his first year of college and he woke me up in the morning with Meat is Murder at an immensely rude volume. Waking up to "The Headmaster Ritual" and then hearing "Rusholme Ruffians" for the first time qualifies as one of the best days of my life. I

Godspeed, You! Black Emperor at CMU about 7 years back. Their sound translates so well live. I was blown away. And their multimedia elements, consisting of 4 18mm projectors, were a nice touch.
Also saw Morphine at Brownie's in the E. Village moments after they released "Cure for Pain". I was sitting on a pool

I'm still waiting for the day that CRAP, or Cantankerous Redundant Altruistic People, will find its way into the avclub lexicon.

Hard to believe the "Stud Boy" from REMOTE CONTROL is one of the richest entertainers in US. WOW

When I first heard of this guy and his unusual way of talking, I tuned to his Fox show out of
curiosity. In just one hour I made a list of quotes of things which were either gramatically or factually idiotic. I couldn't believe it. I expected that maybe his unusual politics would warrant such accusations, but it turns

Watch the movie "Impromptu" and see how good she could be. She's buoyed by some terrific performances around her by Mandy Patinkin, Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson and others. It's a must-see for culture vultures….*oops*

quark: I am curious regarding the reading skills of s. jerusalem. If it's an intended firstie, and you look at the time between the posting of the actual first post and s. jerusalem's, well, does it take s. jerusalem 17 minutes to read the article before he refreshes the page to make sure no one posted first yet?? Or

quark: I am curious regarding the reading skills of s. jerusalem. If it's an intended firstie, and you look at the time between the posting of the actual first post and s. jerusalem's, well, does it take s. jerusalem 17 minutes to read the article before he refreshes the page to make sure no one posted first yet?? Or

A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours

Airy and light, but very pretty music. "Foxbase Alpha" still is a terrific debut in any genre. Fairfax High/Good Humor is a very sought-after double release. Same producer as Cardigans and it sounds like them(before they leveled their sound for mainstream audiences), but still thoroughly enjoyable release in the

Saint etienne
Too bad they were not commented on, even though they made the "Regrettably…" list. I read some critics refer to them as key founders of Britpop. Maybe it was mostly bluster?

It's never too late
For example: