Matt Damon And The Bitchtastic

I kinda wish it was switched. I'd rather see the News Network but I don't have IFC.

It's like fucking Christmas. So excited this is back. I thought once LOST was gone I'd be done with these 8-month waits.

desperately struggles to find the star key*there it is*

Dammit. That was meant as a slight cheer, not telling Canada to take a hike.

Handlen gets a little personal.

This is a great thread! Keep going.

I don't think so, Baeliavi. Pretty sure she was in season three during all the ridiculous and lame religion spoofing. Shane was deflowered by those goth twins.

bonfool is right. Parks & Rec, Community, 30 Rock & The Office. Say what you will about the last two, they're still consistently good.

I think Frink works at the AV Club somewhere. If he doesn't, well…he's superhuman.

As much as I still like him, Will Ferrell will probably be in one of these. And it will be bad.

I don't get what it takes. All these companies are shit shit shit. What is it that makes them that way? Why can't they get their shit together? I'm willing to hear reasons.

Once again for all you non-Twitter users: ZMF is real. If you followed him, it would become clear to you very quickly. He ain't no Nessie.

sarCCastro made you look a fool, DBag.

Sorry, that's my balls.

Like workout asked, didn't the NYC edition go belly up recently? I didn't live here when it did so I wasn't paying attention to the local sites. I'd really like it back now.

The ads are all over the trains and I gotta ask, why is everything so grimy? Like, I expect the kids to be passed out on couches with slobber dripping on to their used needles. Seriously, it looks like some 8mm-type shit going on in these hipsters' parents' basements.

Sucks for you guys. But I have a job where I can work from home, so kinda sucks for me, too.

And with that photo
We close out the week.

That's not enough to go on. I'll need a few more directions.

I gotta say, I really didn't like Community when it started. Something about it did feel cold. I can't quite explain it. But I will readily admit I was way wrong and I love the fuck out of the show now. Recommend it all the time.