
Anyone who's titillated by the notion of someone consuming their own waste in public/semi-public, or think that it's daring or transgressive, should spend some time caring for developmentally disabled children with behavioral disorders. Extra fun when you're burnt out on it and can't quit your job because it's all you

The Aristocrats!

The best line that I've read about the New Universe—I'm pretty sure that it was in The Comics Journal—was that the only reason for it to exist was for Jim Shooter to prove that Marvel could create a successful comics universe that Jack Kirby had nothing to do with. (At the time, Kirby was in an ongoing fight with

Ellis is one of the best examples in the comics biz of ego run amok. He built up a nice little personality cult on his old forum and, even though he did mentor some up-and-coming comics creators (Brian Wood and Matt Fraction were participants), he also became very full of himself. I pretty much wrote him off after his

Jim Shooter wasn't disliked because he got an early break in the comics field, he was disliked—hated, really—because he was a manipulative asshole and screwed people over on a regular basis. There was supposed to have been a JLA/Avengers crossover book in the eighties, about two decades before it ended up being a real

This looks much better than the ongoing clusterfreak of Superior Spider-Man. (Slott's solution to the problems that SpOck was facing in the last issue of SSM that Sava reviewed was to not only drag in a gimmick from many years ago, but also to have the people that were giving SpOck problems carry the idiot ball.)

Maria Thayer is in this? Holy crap, I got such a crush on her in Strangers With Candy. This just got bumped to near the top of The List.

The story that I heard was that it was a sort of sop to Chakotay because he hadn't gotten any during the show's run (except for Seska, and we know how that turned out).

I just assumed that he'd been killed by Mirror-Garak.

Also needs:

I actually would have been pretty happy if Seven hadn't ended up with anyone, given that a big part of her character arc is that she'd stopped aging emotionally at seven, the age that she was when she was assimilated. I could have seen the writers doing a scene near the end where the Doctor admits how he feels, Seven

Pretty in Pink is one of those John Hughes movies (which is to say, most of them) in which Hughes seems to be trying to work out some leftover baggage from his teen years, but doesn't really succeed in doing so. Hughes was redoing the Cinderella story, but wrote an ending where she ends up with one of the mice who

Chase's appeal has always been very limited, as witness the diminishing returns of the NatLamp Vacation franchise. Community was the best opportunity for Chase to rebuild his career, and he managed to shit that bed pretty thoroughly. And, if his shtick has been easy for others to imitate, then that's not saying much

The thing about Cyberpunk is that Billy Idol not only had the name of a William Gibson character, he also had the look. If he'd tried making the album when he was still working with Steve Stevens and Gibson was still putting out the Wintermute books, it might have been halfway decent, relevant and successful.

Another example of "Hollywood Ugly" is how Spacek replaced Kathy Bates in 'night, Mother. I know that they both have Oscars, but Spacek simply isn't the actress that Bates is.

Who knows? One of the reasons why he did Continental Divide and Neighbors, both relative failures as movies (although the second one at least made money), was that he wanted to play against type. If he'd lived and went on to play Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters (Aykroyd originally wrote the part for him), maybe that

you've just got a problem with the sales of comics in general.

Do as I have done, and avoid any and all situations where you might have to listen to anything besides NPR or streaming channels. Of course, the former option exposes you to pledge drives and possibly TED talks, but it's still preferable to anything autotuned.

Is your last name Farley?

Belushi didn't write Ghostbusters. (Nor Blues Brothers, for that matter.)