
Reed never dodged his sex-drugs-and-sunglasses persona

I'm a wait-for-the-trade guy, and in some cases I've waited longer than most. I've just started reading Rucka and Brubaker's Gotham Central (prompted both by my recently just starting to watch The Wire and realizing that Rucka was the comics writer least likely to make me want to throw a book at the wall, and so

Ten months after one of the most controversial plot developments in recent comic-book history sent Peter Parker fans into a rage

Tai chi is a martial art. He was making the Grim Reaper pay for taking him.

Apple's always been pretty sanguine about its pop culture footprint, even the less-flattering aspects. When Doonesbury had a strip in which the faulty handwriting recognition produced the phrase "egg freckles", subsequent releases of the Newton included that panel as an Easter egg.

THANKS for your RANT that CLEVERLY employs RANDOM capitaliZATION. It MAKES everything YOU say SO much MORE powerful.

It's recommended reading by the Marine Corps officer training program.

More to the point, a successful movie of his most famous work translates to increased prestige for the author, which in turn gives him more clout to push his homophobic beliefs.

OSC wrote an essay arguing for the recriminalization of homosexuality in order to drive people back into the closet. He also became a board member of an organization dedicated to keeping LGBTs from marrying. This sounds really, really cold, but Burroughs may have caused far less misery (even though murder is bad,

OSC wrote an essay arguing for the recriminalization of homosexuality in order to drive people back into the closet. He also became a board member of an organization dedicated to keeping LGBTs from marrying. This sounds really, really cold, but Burroughs may have caused far less misery (even though murder is bad,

They should take this movie and re-dub the dialogue and re-release it as The Boy With A Fishbowl On His Head.

One of the many things that I like about The Wire is that, even though I wouldn't kick Rhonda Pearlman (or the actress who plays her) out of bed, she doesn't look like she'd ever have appeared on, say, Ally McBeal.


*shrug* My point remains: a first conviction for a robbery in which (AFAIK) no one was even slightly injured gets nearly a decade of hard time for a sixty-year-old man. I just don't see that happening if he'd had millions to throw at his defense again (or, for that matter, to hire a cut-out to get the memorabilia

Obviously there's no middle ground there whatsoever. It's either Miss Thing or complete assimilation.

I can't help but think that they go home night after night and masturbate as they softly sing "One Is The Loneliest Number" with tears rolling down their faces.

Come On Eileen

Poor Lou Bega. He spends his days standing in front of the mirror, drinking cheap rum, tears streaming down his bloated face, and endlessly, endlessly adjusting his battered, greasy hat.

Well, according to the Wikipedia article, not so much; the audio tape of the incident may have been tampered with, and the victims in the case weren't exactly pure. He ended up getting a minimum of nine years, straight time, for a first robbery conviction, which is extraordinary; it's instructive that his appeal is

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