
Famous people? Sure, go look at The Smoking Gun. Rich people? Not nearly as much. OJ had a lot more money when he was arrested for murder than when he was arrested for stealing his memorabilia back; which one did he do time for?

Because, obviously, we're all overlooking the child sexual abuse in TMNT.

a modern sensibility regarding feminism and true agency for women.

That's a whole mess o' special pleading there, chief.

I picked up Firefly in response to someone telling me how great Anthony was. I was incapable of directly responding to them on that, in part because "insane in the membrane" was not yet part of the culture.

…know how I know that you've never really been to the rodeo, Slim?

There are these things called Netflix and YouTube. You may have heard some of your "hip" friends talking about them.

Colonel Blimpee Von SleepApnea

Seriously. Did pandas invent the A-Bomb? I don't think so.

Movie poster quote selector: when all else fails, there's Peter Travers.

Straight-to-peepshow: What The Jowly Kung-Fu Butler Saw.

I would pay cash money if Oswalt did more shitty movies with Snipes and made a whole spoken-word performance out of it.

His character design looks pretty neat, but a lot of movies seem to have neat character designs and a few cool shots and basically nothing else—they shoot their wad on the trailer, and the movie itself isn't much of a much. (Why, yes, we are talking about you, Drive Angry.)

Number of minutes in the pilot until they show a pharaoh banging his sister: 8, max.

Okay, clean the car and yourselves and leave the body.

I will give Ennis credit for trying, but he also falls back on his favorite tropes a lot.

The Wolf is a useless character who's only onscreen because he looks cool and gets to humiliate Jules and Vincent (really, they can't figure out how to clean themselves or the car?).

The story that I read (as told by Alice Cooper) is that they were friends, and when Lugosi was buried in his Dracula cape, Karloff leans over the coffin and says, "Bela, if you're pulling my leg…"

One of the things that I wish that Deep Space Nine had done was to create a rival space station, Deep Space Ten, which would have been a brand new station completely built by the Federation in orbit around a friendly planet (say, Risa) that literally (and, as if it needs to be said, physically) couldn't love the

Marvel, at least, has recently featured good work by Greg Rucka and Mark Waid (Punisher and Daredevil, respectively), two writers who have given DC some of the best work of their long careers, and have in return been thoroughly screwed over by their former employer.