
This list engaged me more than I expected.

How is Mohd suddenly arbiter of AVClub knowledge?

Heidegger. Duh.

I've listened to that one and Shoot Out The Lights so many times in the past two yearsm it'd be nearly ridiculous but it isn't.

Upvoted mostly because of the Richard and Linda Thompson name but also because of the point made.

"Finishing Go Set A Watchman, I was left questioning how to think about the novel."

One of the last things I expected to see here. Hell fucking yes.
No love for Journey Through the Past though?

Attack on Titan?
Courage the Cowardly Dog?
The Jetsons???

kids theres a sad individual upset about peter capaldi being the new doctor and theres an entire series of posts involving said individual exhibiting juvenile behavior right below this would v strongly urge you to listen to 808s instead

Mike totally deserved this comment.

Wow, I haven't seen an avc article so solely concerned with snark in a while.

Each time I think of this film, I have to wonder how much better There Will be Blood could've been if it'd been Kinski instead of DDL as Daniel Plainview. Day Lewis is a fantastic actor, but Kinski is…insanity personified.

No AV Club I don't want to share on Facebook, the AV Club is a space away from Facebook, go away share

The intensely personal nature of so many of the comments here really speak to the intimacy of whatever Chilton and Big Star created. I'll share my own story. I was a sixteen year old kid who had just had his first kiss and wanted some music to listen to in what was one of the first really long summers I can recall

I fucking love the character of Kamala Khan but her name is slightly strange - Kamala is a predominantly Hindu first name, while Khan would generally denote Muslim lineage. I wonder what the creators were trying to get at here: a representation of South Asian/Middle Eastern cultures through a mashup, or a more generic

What Klingon proverb thing?

Alma was especially brilliant. Killer last sentence.

DFW and Junot Diaz both do a fantastic job with second person narratives, and besides, if we're talking purely narratives here, there's always going to be Dylan's Ballad of a Thin Man and It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding).

Several stories in This is How you Lose Her.

With repeat film shoots scheduled at nine year intervals for the Nothingness trilogy.