The Ogre

Do The Right Thing

Have stayed there several times. The rooms are decidely "Meh" — need updating badly, but the common areas are amazing.

Belize? Your parents' cover stories for getting rid of pets were a lot better than mine. Although we did have that cat that the CIA needed to help spy on the Russians, so that was cool.

I get it, but after David Cross? Ewwww

Nice try. Stay on Weight Watchers fatso

By N-Word I assume you mean necromancers?

Wait. My girlfriend told me this song DID give me the clap!

Yeah, but she had all those slaves back then to do the work.

Slavery hasn't been this hot since 1860!

She's probably as crazy as Lady Macbeth

She's gay …

I'm going to stuff a wumbus down your jertin.

Let me guess. Amber Heard is going to play his long suffering wife who tires of his antics but loves him anyway even though he's twice her age and looks like Kevin James?

Rick Salomon disagrees.

If she's really hard up for money, she could always release a sex tape.

Still better than Ke$ha

That should pretty much lock up the homebound, over-60, closeted gay demographic for ABC.

So when are we going to get the porn parodies to all these shows? I am tired of waiting for "Moses and the 10 Cum-mandments."

Like this is even up for debate:

People that complain about Jewish influence in the media don't recognize those guys as being Jewish