
Admittedly minor, but a spoiler nonetheless.

Roger summed it up perfectly: "That was the deftest self immolation I've ever seen"

I didn't find that comment humerus at all.

I took a Poland the results show those puns are terrible.

To be honest, Ivana flag them all.

Yeah - it was given a brief mention in season two, a couple of Lannister soliders are discussing who the best swordsmen are just before they get attacked by Robb's army. However, they question Loras' ability because "he's been sticking Renly with his sword for years and he's not dead"

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus & @Scrawler2:disqus I'm totally seeing Jamie in a completely different light now. While I enjoyed the scenes he was in last season, I never really though of him as more than just a dick who sleeps with his sister and pushes children out of windows. Now I'm genuinely

Last season's arc for her was pretty uneventful though, I actually just finished re-watching season 2 and I skipped all of her scenes.

@avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus But you can't be any imp off the street!

@avclub-3e89778b9ef82189a336a84b1546c976:disqus I agree. I'm always blown away by shows like Mad Men and BB in terms of sheer quality, but GoT and Justified certainly eclipse them in terms of pure enjoyment for me. I only wish The Walking Dead was good enough to fit in to that latter category.