cthulhu dog

@avclub-0c5bbcfff0edb0dee7693ee7f8f09369:disqus @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus C'mon, the one where ***SPOILER*** Janos Slynt gets his long-awaited comeuppance ***SPOILER*** was fantastic.

Craster Arrabiata

"Hello? I've just force-choked somebody, I did it on purpose."

"Hello? I've just force-choked somebody, I did it on purpose."

It's a rare film or tv space opera that does show us more than one environment on a given planet/moon. Thats the series taking it's cues from the 30's pulp that inspired it.

It's a rare film or tv space opera that does show us more than one environment on a given planet/moon. Thats the series taking it's cues from the 30's pulp that inspired it.

The lampreys taste like lampreys!

The lampreys taste like lampreys!

Ha, for me Mance was always James Purefoy, similar sort of stature to Thomas Jane I guess. Both may be a little too bruiser-ish for the sort of guy who can scale the wall undetected and pass himself off as a bard while south. Cliff Curtis would be a fantastic Oberyn!

Ha, for me Mance was always James Purefoy, similar sort of stature to Thomas Jane I guess. Both may be a little too bruiser-ish for the sort of guy who can scale the wall undetected and pass himself off as a bard while south. Cliff Curtis would be a fantastic Oberyn!

Yeah, he'd be a great fit for gouty old Doran! Having said that Martell's defining arc is how gradually he reveals himself as a force to be reckoned with. One look at Al Swearengen sitting in a garden chair like a Westerosi Don Corleone and even a casual viewer's gonna know it's about to kick off.

Yeah, he'd be a great fit for gouty old Doran! Having said that Martell's defining arc is how gradually he reveals himself as a force to be reckoned with. One look at Al Swearengen sitting in a garden chair like a Westerosi Don Corleone and even a casual viewer's gonna know it's about to kick off.

That's a great pick - and you've finally helped me realise why I've never warmed to the guy in anything I've seen him in! Seriously, he'd outcreep Joffrey in that role no problem.

That's a great pick - and you've finally helped me realise why I've never warmed to the guy in anything I've seen him in! Seriously, he'd outcreep Joffrey in that role no problem.