Mr. Morden

Why, you little scamp, I outta…

Yes! Centauri Prime totally needed someone like Mr. Morden, or maybe even the real thing? Think of it: Mollari imprisons me instead of …you know, the Drakh break me out, and I manipulate the royal court from behind the scenes (or…in the shadows, if you will) to get revenge.

Which makes me, what, Crazy Harry? Clearly, Vir is Scooter and Bester is Fozzie Bear.

Sometimes we don't come back until the next season.

I am NOT Lady Macbeth.

I wish my execution had been iffy.

Sorry it took me a while to get here, but I was…associating…with my family. Thanks for what my nieces assure me is a "shout-out". I must admit that it was a bit of a letdown to come back just to deliver some foreshadowing (heh) and read the paper, but one cannot be choosy in my…condition.

Yes, show-specific gimmicks don't work very well out of context. Incidentally, what do you want?

He did plenty, although I did have to…nudge him in the right direction once or twice. Poor Adira…

*Sigh* Sheridan becomes a literal saint and my name gets mangled.

I can only think of one good thing to come out of the Lennier plots. Sadly, I don't think I'll be available in 2 weeks to discuss it. But I hope you all wave at the screen!

Scorpius would be a *perfect* tool for my…associates. You want wormhole tech to battle the Scarrans? I'll get right on that!

Hair is what he wanted, so hair is what he got.

"In an odd way, Babylon 5 as a whole serves as an endorsement of both the Minbari and Vorlon philosophies." Glad someone else noticed that!

Oh, I understood that, and also understand (and approve!) that the winners write the history. I was just pointing out that even this piece of propaganda undermined its own message by depicting events that show the benefit of conflict and having its narrator explain a certain point of view better than Justin ever did.

Hello everyone! I have some bones to pick about "In the Beginning". Well, I don't have very many actual bones anymore, but you know what I mean.

Oh, they definitely spruced me up for my…curtain(s) call.

Clarke was…problematic. But sometimes one must work with the tools available, emphasis on tool.
Everyone's shock over Shadow tech further reveals the weakness in humanity that my…associates could have helped us overcome. You'd rather ignore technology centuries ahead of our own simply because you don't like its

*You* try finding a good barber beyond the rim. The First Ones have evolved beyond the need for product, apparently.

Charmngly skeezy? I can live with that. Well…you know what I mean.