Mr. Morden

Couldn't agree more!

No, no, it's not about what *I* want.

If we'd had Zimbalist around to explain things, we would have won the war. Hell, Stephanie Zimbalist would have been better than Justin.

I'm available!

Yeah, I got "the one" right here.

That flashback was on infinite loop during my final moments. Could any of the *good* parts of my life flash before my eyes? Nope, just that sentient glob of smirk.

Couuld we maybe…stop talking about this? It's like you're poking an open wound here.

If it makes you feel any better, I prefer the Laibach version(s).

I'm back! Well, what's left of me. There isn't much I can add to these reviews and comments moving forward, seeing as my part and my associates' part of the story is pretty much over. I might…pop my head in…once in a while if I have something to say or a Brakiri holiday to celebrate. And my alter ego will

My…associates…are pleased with this news.

[double-post; haven't tried to comment since the format-change]

Oh, so you want the B5 reviews to come back, do you?
(so do I)

If they need someone to play Mr. Whispers, I'm available! Well, what's left of me…

While I appreciate Ms. Cavelos' attempts to…rehabilitate me, it's a bit simpler than that.  No, I wasn't a disgruntled greasemonkey (nor a used car salesman, thank you very much), but there's no tragic backstory, either.

Death can…alter…one's perspective, as you know.

Captain, you and I may have had our…differences…but I have to respect you for telling Delenn that "This is about more than what I want."  It's a realization that most never come to and permanently altered the rules of our ancient…arrangement…with the Vorlons.

*Sigh*  Don't remind me.

After my time with him in that holding cell, I knew this plan was a non-starter, but what are ya gonna do?  When it was my turn to propose a strategy in the committee meeting, my ShadowPoint presentation was one slide that said JUST KILL HIM.

I'd been wondering if my…recovery…was a spoiler or not.  I'll treat it that way just in case.

Thank you!  Naturally, I object to my characterization in the review as "just horrible."  If Sheridan hadn't been brainwashed by Kosh and had come to us truly willing to listen, I think we had a good case to make.  I thought that revealing the Vorlon's genetic manipulation and demonstrating the way that human progress