Mr. Morden

Oh, we were busy, don't worry about that.  See how kill-happy my…associates…were in this episode.  First they off the nice man who accepted my bribe to get on the station and would have been a good resource for me, then they wanted to kill Mollari and I had to talk them down.  It's like they could sense the Vorlons

I shall pass wherever I want, thank you very much.

Boo this man!  Boooooo!!


Ooh, can I be McNamara?  I'm already Mordred from last week, after all.

I despise the grinning, waving bastard, but he did show a surprising amount of backbone.

Yes, it is surpising how easily I could slip onto B5.  I guess they got lax with security after breaking away from earth.  Nice to not have to swelter in a holding cell on this trip!

Sorry I wasn't around last week. Maybe you can just…fill me in?

Man, could I rock a golf shirt back in the day.

I could have worked in a shop or something, like maybe a haberdasher.  What do you want?  What size do you wear?  Do you wear black? That sort of thing.

If by "tea snob" you mean bottom shelf spiced rum, then yes.

I won't have to ask what *you* want now.

And I prefer tea, or something…stronger.  ShadowBlend put me off coffee forever.

@avclub-e75ba2f6db29f9fa8b0fdff083fa8f48:disqus 's inches are literal…and few in number.

Ah yes, Lennier.

Lord Refa?  Refa?  Where are you buddy?  hmm…

Yes!  The Earthers are fighting each other!  Conflict!  Strife!  Strength!  Look, more jump points are opening and…wait, the Minbari are helping the humans?  No!  That's not the way it's supposed to work!  Something will have to be done about this…

The gimmicks around here are really going downhill.  And all they want is cookies.  My…associates…will not be pleased.

Oddly enough, that actually happened to me.  You don't have a White Star, do you?

No wonder I'm bored.  Maybe I can get some commenters to start fighting each other?