
Start with
A Man Without a Country. It sounds odd since it isn't a novel and it was at the end of his life, but I think getting to know him and what he is about is a great way to start digging him. I've had a lot of friends do this and it works every time.

And didn't bringing in the faux facebook help the financial situation quite a bit?

I thought it followed Legends of the Fall really closely in the brief part from grief to the bar.

Great Stuff
This was a phenomenal piece. Looking at his show as a mystery show actually makes it easy to understand how some people love it. I could never comprehend it, but when I watched it I thought of a news program. This is really insightful.

I forgot to mention that I did enjoy the rest of the episode.

The guest actors were pretty bad. Ganz was horrible every time he talked. The way he told Neal he was in was so ridiculous it was like it was from a different show.

Country Song
I can't believe Loretta took down Townes and the Flying Burrito Brothers. I was really looking forward to one of those two.

I know we're not supposed to ask a lot of questions during Chuck, but some of the plotting is just getting stupid. Why did they even need to knock the Gobbler out? Would he not want to escape? Is it easier to drag a huge man out of a prison while hoping every guard in the entire place eats cake, or whatever?

He did it
I really liked the trial in this one, because I think it basically came down to the fact that he did it. Even Kalinda brings that up as a possibility. They were reduced to trying to use tricks, such as the judge is biased and the manager's religion, in order to win. It was good that they accomplished

Mr. Perfect
I think the point of this plot is that a great guy can be wrong. I would want my 16 year old involved with someone who has shit that serious going on either. And then there's the danger that she will rethink her desire to be with him come senior year (or some other high school thing) and destroy him and

Solid Episode
I never realize how much I miss this show until it comes back. I like how nothing was easy in this episode, as far as who had the moral high ground. Cary wants to split and throw in jail a young couple caught in a horrible situation. The other lawyers want to end the relationship to benefit their own

It is fucking horrifying. I understand people no longer take time to pay attention to the nuances of the English language, but a quick proofread should allow someone to spot words like "philospy." How do people expect to have their political points taken seriously when they deliver them at the writing level of a third

Your list is pretty hard to argue with. I agreed with most of it, but if I were to add some albums, it would be these:

I think I kind of like that.

I think you nailed it, PeterK. She is a decent actor and it's still interesting to see the effect the political game and Alicia working has on the kids.

It seems like a lot of people are sensing something's wrong with Olivia, and it can't just be contributed to her experience on the other side. I wonder if they will figure it out before Olivia comes back from the other side.

I can't believe not one mention of O Brother, Where Art Thou? I'm not the first to mention it but it is surprising.

I've been saying that for years using the exact same definition. I'm not sure that I like the idea of Mac and me thinking alike.

It was right. It would change if he said something like, "Cancer has an ironic effect on hipsters." Think of it as a verb/noun thing.

New Episodes
The new episodes are available on iTunes and Netflix, so perhaps they should be reviewed. Both because I am a believe in finishing things and because it would be nice to see BoT once again have the "NEW" red bar. And they were great.