dingleberry productions

this is what i mean - MoS doesn't shy away from it. other shows have.
which is why i hope they tackle their "conversion therapy" in proper form.

i can't wait, personally. i'm kinda sick of this revisionist take on gayness.

i do get frustrated sometimes with how some reporters make it all about them, though. i was watching their coverage of north korean labour camps in siberia, and half the damn story was about the reporter being drunk and high on ambien on the train ride there.

plus there's already a documentary about the bolivian elections that's actually good.

i tend to look at moore's films as the "documentary" equivalent of a rom-com.

i used to think maher was such a lefty. now he seems downright centrist.

you say mute-taytor, i say mute-tahtohr.

as i recall, boobs and kicks were her only requirements in the 80s.

well, maybe he'll just do a lot of cocaine and primal screaming in the 70's. that's what therapy was back then, right?

and then they try to holla!

the dude loves his/her keef

well, back in MY day, we had real music like vanilla ice.

i think the arc of having to deal with Robert's death in secret in addition to what is basically the end of her marriage would have made for some rich storytelling,
what a waste….

awww, be nice. it's a rite of passage we all go through.
usually before the "music nowadays is crap/music was better when i was young" public declaration

and not in a good way, either.

sometimes no.

does that mean her next album will be a reggae album?

i always remember bolivia because it's landlocked.

pussy, eh?