
"Midwestern wholesomeness?" The comic is actually based on my fair city of Haverhill, MA which is neither midwestern or wholesome. So there, AV Club, there's more than you would ever want to know about Archie.

This title is grossly misleading
I read the Bible and Great Expectations in 2009. How is it possible that neither of those books made the list? The authors didn't read them in 2009? These are perennial classics; each deserves a read for every calendar year.

Yes. Now I, like Artie Lange, will attempt suicide. My life's work is complete now that I know a sequel is in the works.

I once cried
from something known as "anus candling."

Can we move
the best film of the decade, according to this club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, to the top of this list? I know it didn't come out this year, but do rules and dates apply to such a tremendous motion picture? It should be allowed to transcend these foolish boundaries.