
28 Days Later is 100% a zombie movie. The fictional nature of the zombies is unimportant. What is important to a movie being a zombie movie is:

Not that it actually matters at all in any of this, but in the world of Lovecraft (who appropriated The King in Yellow from Chambers), the King in Yellow is actually the old one Hastur (Hastur! Hastur! Hastur! Anything? Nope. Ok. Good).

For the sake of clarity, I was in no way attempting to slag either show; just pointing out that if you weren't really paying attention at the time, it would have been very easy to have dismissed B5 as just a dubious ST knockoff. Which it was not.

For the sake of clarity, I was in no way attempting to slag either show; just pointing out that if you weren't really paying attention at the time, it would have been very easy to have dismissed B5 as just a dubious ST knockoff. Which it was not.

While Signs and Portents certainly wasn't the best B5 episode, and the Shadow Storyline wasn't necessarily the best storyline (the Londo/G'Kar storylines were, far and away, the best ones for my money), some of the best episodes were the Shadow War episodes (or at least connected to the Shadow War). Yeah, the

While Signs and Portents certainly wasn't the best B5 episode, and the Shadow Storyline wasn't necessarily the best storyline (the Londo/G'Kar storylines were, far and away, the best ones for my money), some of the best episodes were the Shadow War episodes (or at least connected to the Shadow War). Yeah, the

Quite serious. I work with high school kids for a living, and the vast majority of them have no idea who "Sid and Nancy" are. Advance that by 7 years, and there you go (and the ones who were high school kids 7 years ago didn't know who "Sid and Nancy" were either).

>>In the screener version of “Wedding,” the DJ at the reception has
impeccable taste, going deep and unpredictable with David Bowie’s
“Modern Love” and Franz Ferdinand’s “Do You Want To.” Can’t imagine
either song really bringing people to the dance floor, though.>>