Jeff Wingers Dumb Gay Dad

I would agree that once the show hit its stride (Season Two onward), they didn't make bad episodes often. But I have ALWAYS disliked "The Opera" (even though its part of arguably the best season). For me, I never minded the surreal turn Seinfeld took once David left. The episodes were less realistic, and there were

Have you watched it yet??? I wouldn't have the will power not to.

you don't make friends with salad!

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus The bleep bloop songs of Kid A make up the best CD released in the past 12 years

Always Sunny did it with a Mac… close but no cigar.

I'm guessing your point is that its easy to tell an out of order story, seemingly just for the hell of it? Or maybe you really needed to get this off your chest. Either way, thank you.

Mike Love is the worst.

It was a downward climb, but I would stand by my assertion. From its premiere viewership has slowly, steadily declined. Whitney's is more of a freefall.

also, Abed got the pizza.

So, as bad as Whitney is, I think we can all agree that it is not THAT much worse than Cumming's other sitcom, Two Broke Girls. However, Whitney is already at Community level ratings after only 4 episodes (not at all a good sign, since it took Community 53 episodes of in-jokes to reach this point). T.B.G (what the

Abed got the pizza.

This is a new Britta-Perry development. But welcome aboard!

I am going to put in a request for a weekly Communiy/Parks and Rec ratings update, as those are the only two high-quality shows in danger of cancellation at the moment. That's the only reason I go to TVbythenumbers anyways.

who's the japanese version of mike scully?

Sometimes, there's a woman… well, she's the woman for her time and place. That woman is Whitney.

I watch Whitney because I need a studio audience to inform me when to laugh. You watch Whitney because of Coldplay.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you here. Not once during The New Girl's second episode did I contemplate flying to California and shooting the entire writers room in their kneecaps.

"And when he is older… And this is extremely important… Make sure he is played by no one other than Hayden Christiansen."

When do we get the long awaited Song of the South rerelease? If there's one thing I like more than racism, its racism in 3D.

And as everyone knows, Walt Disney's lifeless rotting corpse loves royalty checks!