The answer to the question nob

Cart Man has the ability to make you regret you were even born.  Do NOT piss off the Cart Man

And there's a triceritop with a saddle on at the Creationism Museum.

I think it is because of the line "She don't eat meat, but she sure likes the bone."

But he is ambitious, which is what the video is called.

Do it for Johnny!

I do have LSD for sale. Let everybody know that.

"…Potato Man."
"Where the devil have you been?"

New team name: Stretch dude, clobber guy, and girl-you-can't-see-that's-somehow-supposed-to-be-impressive-but-clearly-it-isn't-so-lets-give-her-another-power-hmmm-let's-say-force-field.

hair not hai

I never took that as fixing his hair. I always felt it showed a moment of personal anguish after finding the gun just short of pulling his hai out. Before he found the gun he didn't have any internal dilema. Now that he had the gun he had a terrible choice. Michael was always a bit separated from the family

A refrigerator vs. an icebox is not the same as an Ipad Vs. a laptop. A refrigerator is a vast improvement over an icebox in every way. An Ipad may be cheaper than a laptop, but not by much and certainly not faster or easier to use.

Reagan was president from 80 to 88 and then his vice president took over. ALL movies from the 8o's are part of the Reagan era by definition.

My kids liked the original one better, but I made them watch it first.

I always felt the picture of the Cobra Kai sensei as a Viet Nam vet was to balance the fact that Miyagi was also a vet. They both went through some terrible things durring their tours of duty, but came out of them very differently.

If he does, can I have the diving suit and gorilla mask?

@Humperdinck I see what you did there.

Ya Crazy VARmit!!!

Bosartiger Tumor der Stern-Whacker in Hollywood

I received one of the formal orders to drop dead in the name of Jesus Crist. t didn't say when I had to do that, so I thought I would take my sweet time about it. I just have to remember the dedication when my time comes.

Shaggy From Scooby Doo
I kinda looked like Shaggy in High school, and wanted to go, but I could never find the Maroon bell bottoms, and without them you are just 'guy in green t-shirt." I finally found the bell bottoms at a thirft store but this was quite a few years later. I was heavier, my hair was the right length