What was the Grand Trunk up to? Was it trying to connect east and west Canada?
What was the Grand Trunk up to? Was it trying to connect east and west Canada?
What I liked best about Downton Abbey is that, despite being comparatively repressive and arbitrary, it offered a sense of purpose and pride. If you have ever been employed in the lower rungs of the American service industry, as I have, you will recognize that your drudgery is rewarded with nothing but a rather…
Lady Edith and Sir Anthony in: The Grey Lady and the Teeth
Gravity's Rainbow: Being a Tale of Banana Pancakes and…That's About It.
@avclub-19b1e8d29a0f4d71a95a48a7123d0502:disqus Gravity's Rainbow
Which mustn't be confused with "Up 99", the ill-advised Get Smart porno.
CHO mama.
CHO mama.
Were any advocates to step forward I hope they'll be called CATSUP- Citizens Against Tomaters Splattered Upon Posteriors.
Were any advocates to step forward I hope they'll be called CATSUP- Citizens Against Tomaters Splattered Upon Posteriors.
Fun fact: CHO got its start during the furor surrounding "Duffless"; tragically there are still no advocates for smashed tomaters.
Fun fact: CHO got its start during the furor surrounding "Duffless"; tragically there are still no advocates for smashed tomaters.
The idea for a nuclear weapon was probably kicked around since the special theory of relativity; Wikipedia says that a patent for a bomb was filed in the U.K. in 1934. That said the ring as atomic weapon is too reductive as it makes it seem as if the evil of the ring was technological rather than spiritual.
The idea for a nuclear weapon was probably kicked around since the special theory of relativity; Wikipedia says that a patent for a bomb was filed in the U.K. in 1934. That said the ring as atomic weapon is too reductive as it makes it seem as if the evil of the ring was technological rather than spiritual.
Unfortunately Dr. Bowman had her picture taken after reading a Biastoic post.
Unfortunately Dr. Bowman had her picture taken after reading a Biastoic post.
Saying "galaxy" like that makes you sound like Sadie Doyle.
Saying "galaxy" like that makes you sound like Sadie Doyle.
His soul swooned slowly as he heard the Club fapping faintly through the
universe and faintly fapping, like the descent of their last end, upon
all the living and the dead and Allison Brie.