Edmund Wilson

AH HA!  You use the word "mum" indicating you are English, and yet you are clearly using the symbol for the American dollar!  Which is it madam, are you English or American?  Or are you an imposter!  …Wait.  $9000?!  Working part-time!?!  My apologies madam, please tell me more.

But that would make history the debate between two opposing viewpoints with equal claims on the truth!  What sort of monster are you?

But that would make history the debate between two opposing viewpoints with equal claims on the truth!  What sort of monster are you?

Nah, he's trying to conflate the Occupy movement with the Directory period of the French revolution.  For folks like him there are two revolutions: the American from which springs all that is good and the French which is the source of all subsequent human misery.

Nah, he's trying to conflate the Occupy movement with the Directory period of the French revolution.  For folks like him there are two revolutions: the American from which springs all that is good and the French which is the source of all subsequent human misery.

Massif of flesh.

Massif of flesh.

Because you liked The Upanishads before it was cool?

Because you liked The Upanishads before it was cool?

Sample catchphrase: "File that under "T" for too much information!"

Sample catchphrase: "File that under "T" for too much information!"

Anybody else get a Spanish-language ad for Eggo waffles?  I mean, I did just order maple syrup and Mariachi outfits from Amazon, just not for the reasons the ad-tracker must think.

Anybody else get a Spanish-language ad for Eggo waffles?  I mean, I did just order maple syrup and Mariachi outfits from Amazon, just not for the reasons the ad-tracker must think.

How do you go about watching Homeland?  I don't have cable so VOD isn't an option.

How do you go about watching Homeland?  I don't have cable so VOD isn't an option.

Well we got CIA and we got Secret Service.  Secret Service started out as an adjunct of the Treasury Dept.  so I imagine an economics background would be helpful.  CIA you can go the military route or the State Dept. route.  Military the fastest would probably start out doing intel for the Air Force, analyzing sat.

Well we got CIA and we got Secret Service.  Secret Service started out as an adjunct of the Treasury Dept.  so I imagine an economics background would be helpful.  CIA you can go the military route or the State Dept. route.  Military the fastest would probably start out doing intel for the Air Force, analyzing sat.

Grrreeting!  Argh you feeling nice drunk?

Grrreeting!  Argh you feeling nice drunk?

Here's a story of neighbors playing music loud.  I was in college and had a job working the graveyard shift.  Had it about two weeks, was asleep to around about 11:00 a.m. when loud *whomp*whomp* starts coming from the room adjacent.  N.B. this was the R.A.'s room.  Anyway music wakes me up, I'm pissed and about five