Edmund Wilson

Here's a story of neighbors playing music loud.  I was in college and had a job working the graveyard shift.  Had it about two weeks, was asleep to around about 11:00 a.m. when loud *whomp*whomp* starts coming from the room adjacent.  N.B. this was the R.A.'s room.  Anyway music wakes me up, I'm pissed and about five

Fuck yeah!  I'm listening to the Harmontown podcast and he's talking about taking umbrage at people telling him to tie his shoes, which I do constantly.  I don't know which part of my development I missed out on, but I cannot fucking tie my shoes correctly.  There was this time at work where one guy was especially

Fuck yeah!  I'm listening to the Harmontown podcast and he's talking about taking umbrage at people telling him to tie his shoes, which I do constantly.  I don't know which part of my development I missed out on, but I cannot fucking tie my shoes correctly.  There was this time at work where one guy was especially

I feel like a husband who is into cuckolding finally finding out he's actually been cuckolded!

I feel like a husband who is into cuckolding finally finding out he's actually been cuckolded!

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Raskolnikov who?
Raskolnikov and turn your head?

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Raskolnikov who?
Raskolnikov and turn your head?

Eh, Dostoevsky didn't seem so bad as a far as the Jews were concerned.  There's a reply in A Writer's Diary to someone who accused him of anti-Semitism where he comes off, well, not good but still not anti-Semitic. Poles on the other hand! Did not like the Poles.

Eh, Dostoevsky didn't seem so bad as a far as the Jews were concerned.  There's a reply in A Writer's Diary to someone who accused him of anti-Semitism where he comes off, well, not good but still not anti-Semitic. Poles on the other hand! Did not like the Poles.

Did Dostoevsky's career a world of good.

Did Dostoevsky's career a world of good.

You underestimate the efficiency of the former KGB.  Likely the women were Chechen journalists or Rocky and Bullwinkle enthusiasts. 

You underestimate the efficiency of the former KGB.  Likely the women were Chechen journalists or Rocky and Bullwinkle enthusiasts. 

It's a punctuation mistake.  Supposed to read Free Pussy!  Riot!  

It's a punctuation mistake.  Supposed to read Free Pussy!  Riot!  

This is the FCC.  Prepare to drop the motherf***ing fail hammer!

This is the FCC.  Prepare to drop the motherf***ing fail hammer!

But can you bring your own chalkboard?   That's the real moneymaker.

But can you bring your own chalkboard?   That's the real moneymaker.

At this point I'm wanting Walt to go out like Col. Kurtz.