
Don't forget The Wire!

I love the Wire and Generation Kill, as I am obliged to do, but I have a sinking feeling this series is going to be unbridled preachiness. I hope I'm wrong.

Bayonetta=Tina Fey?
Something about this game feels like it should be a parody/dream sequence on 30 Rock

The only good news in all of this is that both of these incidents are anomalies, and actually stabbing-related deaths have actually dropped over 150,000% since the middle ages.

I would have used nunchucks.

Eh. I think I'm sick of stupid people and freaky subcultures, and at this point I'm no longer amazed by (or really, even faintly interested in) anything outlandish anyone does on a reality show, ever.

I'm not going to defend Andrew Dice Clay as being in any way "good", but he was a comedian and actor before and after "Diceman".

There's a new pale, blond sourpuss in town, and her name is DOUBLEDAY!

I think I want to kill myself just from reading the review.

Yeah, it's really Ecks' movie. They should have called it Ballistic: Ecks.

I liked Southland Tales too. Of course I also loved Wild Palms, Strange Days and Until the End of the World. And I don't know that I can really defend any of them.

Most people were pretty disheveled, if not downright disgustingly filthy back then. And the smells…

Twice that we saw.. I'm pretty sure it was implied that the couple was doing it much more offscreen (and the last half of the season was covering a lot more ground time-wise than the first.)

Actually.. And it pains me to admit this.. But I was reminded of the Bill Nighy storyline in Love, Actually.

I remember in the AV Club review of it, that someone pointed out that she looks just like the alien from Mac and Me in that still.

Ad slogan, ad slogan.. Something with a touch of class to get the coveted 18-49 demo…

I got my Gucci and Fendi for Christmas Present. What do you have for Christmas Past and Christmas Future?

Maybe. But they also could just be happy to be rid of Arthur. They might just want to change their name and disappear from this whole mess. As the spouse and children of a notorious serial killer they more than likely just want to disappear and avoid attention.

They really seem like they're about to bone each other in that video.

Where did this video even play? Maybe it made it to 120 Minutes, but I wouldn't think Minutemen videos would otherwise be on MTV or any other music video outlet in '85. Would it be on some Minutemen VHS compilation or something? Whatever it was I'd bet they didn't expect it to be seen by too many people outside