my other joke is a ferrari

Me So Trendy. Really Kapu. Really Face Thing.

more like BLACK EYES, PLEASE!!! to their image… over this controversy… **lets himself out**

I think mizerock is employing a complex meta-meta posting theme in an attempt to 'troll' his 'untrolled' troll self - to pay his OWN 'troll toll,' if you will, a tricky and dangerous attempt at a form of posting rebirth through self-annihilation and redemption in a manner that trolls what is addressed as untrolled

Ted Bundy threw me back: a tale of bittersweet rejection

drowning a gerbil

my juice tastes like bullets!

Agreed - all style, no content. I gave it every chance, but it was just dumb writing. A massive over-reach. The whole setting should've become a haunting character overshadowing the players, but just got trounced as a vacant setting by the vacant drama. The guy never thought his shitty apt could've been bugged?

*snarls, backs into gloomy shadows of mansion (for sale)*

speaking of 1,000-year-old nosferatu - keep me alive!!

Waiting? Close but no cigar. The real money will come from the reality-show version of "The Penis-Showing Game." Expect an MTV & Bennigan's collaboration in 2011.

Inspired by Snooki's well-meaning sexy pickle attempt, I'm going to perfect it with a dick-in-a-box motif a la Timberlake-Sandberg, but with a pickle jar.

I'm so glad
the producer herself is drawing the Jonestown parallel to Jersey Shore

may you be replaced by a new avatar with similar experiences by the fastandsloppy franchise

pow! eighthsies

I hope they show
4 pair at once in 3D

a credible mash-up of the tipping point and the happening. in 50s Berlin.

@ansenlin17, I am bewitched by your beauty, but you cheapen yourself with such crass bargaining; I fear that ladies of your stripe are usually ripe with a terrible virus

The video shoot was busted by the FDA & ICE. But she's still the queen of piss pop.

Russell Brand as Kuato!!

whoops, not the Total Recall remake page i just read… Fate answers - Russell Brand as Kuato!!