Dick Rude

It's OK…
the eyeworms made Tom color-blind

It reminded me of the book "The Stand", where the one evil female character goes to the main good-guy, and basically says "I'm destined to do bad things unless you change the direction I'm headed by being with/making love to me."

He's still mad about leaving "The Late Show with Craig Kilborne"

Crusty is Krusty's non-union Mexican equivalent


get 'em to throw some potatoes and you got a stew going!

♫ we do what we can
when the shit hits the fan
doobity-doo-wop-wop say what yeah! ♫

♫ He had filed a lawsuit just an hour ago
unh unh uh unh unh unh unh uh
they don't sue 'em like that anymore ♫

Insecticide company lawyer gets AV Club notification…
files lawsuit

♫ I did it somebody else's way ♫

Somebody needs to help this guy keep Patrice O’Neal alive through uncredited rectal tradition

Teach him "Sunday Morning Coming Down" -

Slang and colloquialisms of the UK -

If the term "ham-handed" hadn't been invented yet, it would have had to have been thought up to describe this episode

"Missed it by that much!"

Rectal histories are weirder

"I guess I wouldn't believe in anything anymore if it weren't for my lucky astrology mood ring!"

Or an old Jacques Cousteau special…

Like Michael Cera's paler sister

I will fight to the death anyone who doesn't think "Cat's In The Cradle" is the worst song in the history of mankind