Dick Rude

*puts on condom eye patch*

I'm gonna sue "American Idol" because I once endured 5 minutes of "From Justin To Kelly"

Hickory Dickory Dock
Andrew Dice Clay
is the most upstanding character


Grammar War

Saving Ryan's Privates

Shia LaBeouf

That's a great compilation except for the remix of
Fear (Of The Unknown) which is one of my favorite Banshee songs

"Where's Firefly?"

He looks like Lawrence Tierney in 'Reservoir Dogs'…

I hear Paula Deen is available

It doesn't help that the movie is based on a roman à clef

Sandy MacReedy: I want you to kill every gopher on the course.
Carl Spackler: Correct me if I'm wrong, Sandy, but if I kill all the Tophers they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key.
Sandy MacReedy: Gophers! You great git! Not Tophers! The little brown furry rodents!
Carl Spackler: We can do that. We don't even

The sequel should actually be a prequel based entirely on the Robert Paulson character -

Harlan Ellison replaced Nathan Rabin

That's why I will never grow tired of posting this video for every Morrissey article -

Whoo!  Thank you very much…


Best Devo song is "Gut Feeling" with the awesome guitar intro

Used to love seeing him on the Late Show with Craig Kilborne…
it seemed like all he ever wanted to talk about was having a good dinner at Mastro's

Scariest doll ever?