Just be careful if you're invited to her house, and the refreshments are "Lemonade" and "Baby Ruths"
Just be careful if you're invited to her house, and the refreshments are "Lemonade" and "Baby Ruths"
Other exciting future Vince Vaughn film projects:
you can make a movie funded with Jimmy Hats?
Not really…
it's like showing a regular sized monkey, and then King Kong…
you know, for illustration purposes…
It's like "Candyman"…
you have to say his name 5 times in front of a mirror to summon him
Back in the late 80s/early 90s, a local barbecue restaurant used to have an ad in the local alternative paper that said:
For an extra $1500, you can get the "BOXER SET" where Larry Holmes comes to your house, punches you in the face, and hands you the boombox
Did the AV Club retire the "Big Red NO"?
There's a dinner-time scene in this movie where the little brother is asked to say "Grace"; he says-
with a picture of Uwe Boll right next to it
♫ Bieber, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet ♫
Yeezus Is The Answer - Wesley Willis Fiasco
Hot Pocket Doughboy is the newest flavor from HOT POCKETS
outside of "the Doors", automatic pass for "Los Angeles", "Wild Gift", "Under The Big Black Sun" and "More Fun In The New World" by X
My business cards have said that for years
low-speed car chase in "Way Of The Gun"
It would actually be better to have a feature called "Why I Stole This", with prizes going to the largest felonies and misdemeanors…
I predict it will end with Elvis dying on the throne