Ubiquitous Bob

1979 called, they want their future back.

burying the lede is exactly what Orrin Hatch was talking about

i have no idea what the rules for this stuff are but i think that if they had known McCain was going to vote no, they wouldnt have brought to a vote in the first place and just delayed until they got something together or McCain retires or whatever. Him keeping it a secret and also voting to allow the debates to

This fully falls into his election platform of "lie cheat and steal"

I honestly think he doesn't care.

well they make a wet throaty sound and repeat themselves

Mcconnell is crying right now. feels so good.

he probably didnt know what that meant

I'd be weary after seeing what she put Niles through

"playing" the "guitar"

Thank you, Mark Borchardt

I came here to say this. Upvoted instead.

Cereal Killer. Get it right or pay the price.

or at least banned from being the president

Can it predict what's going to happen next? I can't.

I had a dream about this place. It's the second one I've had, but they both the same. They start out that I'm in here, but it's not day or night. It's kind of half night, you know? But it looks just like this, except for the light.
And I'm scared like I cant tell ya.
And of all people, you're standing right over

I went to high school with that guy. He's always been entertaining.

what those articles wont tell you is that you're supposed to stuff the tip in their underwear.

her and me both. at least on that last bit.

I'll never kneel!