Pants de Leon

Better get there early
because I heard the highway was jammed with broken down heroes on a last chance power drive or something.

I would definitely add in Cube's Death Certificate and Leathal Injection but not Amerikkka cuz that was east coast Bomb Squad produced. The DOC definitely deserves a mention and one a lesser note - MC Eiht, Spice 1, CMW, WC and the Maad Circle, etc.

Shane Black!!!!!!!

Mizzou - the pride of the Big 12 North - if such a thing existed.

How about a classic
Razor's Edge or Brighton Rock, perhaps.

I've always been of the opinion that girls who like Tori Amos are completely insufferable and never worth it. If she's a Tori fan, she out the door.

my black heart
I'm a pretty cynical guy and hate most everything but damn did this little game kind of get to me. Especially that twist at the end. I almost believe in love now.


more books about rich people with problems
And they're self-created problems too, which are always the best kind. I can't wait to not read this.

time period?
Is the movie set in 1995?

Rapper Big Pooh
I'm glad he cleared that up because I wouldn't want to confuse the guy with Orthodontist Big Pooh or Short Order Cook Big Pooh

June 30, 2009 Parker Lewis season 1 set to be released.

From the reviews I've read the universal acclaim seems to be falling squarely on to JJ Abrams lap. The consensus seems to be that the movie is a success because of him and as far as track record goes it's hard to fault the guy because of his first (and until this, only) directorial effort.

So you're excited about the reviews and the press but that has nothing to do with the guy who DIRECTED the movie. That makes total sense because the least important part of a movie is always the director, right?

I just love it when celebrities start charity foundations - to cure the diseases that they themselves have. George Lopez you selfless humanitarian, going out of your way to raise money to save your own life. Bravo indeed.

Boxing games
What's the best boxing game for the Wii? I bought the new Ready 2 Rumble game and it's not so good. Any suggestions.

Tinted windows
don't mean nothing, they know who's inside.

I can't wait until Hollywood completely gives up and just names a movie: "Movie".

People are afraid to merge on freeways in Los Angeles.
I'm an unabashed BEE fan. I hate to use the "You just don't get it" defense to all the haters but I really do think that people completely miss the comedic intent of his writing.

Apparently Boca Raton did not build their city on rock n roll.