Pants de Leon

A few years back there was a TV show with Sock from Reaper and the premise had the leads jumping back and forth between high school and adulthood, changing stuff and getting wacky. Anyone else remember this?

the Haimster
I would love to hear one of these sad anecdotes about Corey Haim.

He's a black guy doing a bad impersonation of a white guy doing a bad impersonation of a black guy.

Celebrity Elba Island
How about a show where viewers get to exile D List celebrities - that's a concept I'd support.

Sifl & Olly

I'll take Ally Sheedy - she had some range in the 80s. Her Breakfast Club character couldn't be any more different than the girl in Wargames or Bad Boys (the Sean Penn version).

Cryer and the girl never "went all the way" but it never seemed to be an issue anyway and the girl's father had no complaints because Maxwell did his taxes.

I contend that AMH would have been a terrible Ducky, plus it would have made Pretty in Pink just an extended version of the car scene in Sixteen Candles.

I'll buy that for a dollar
Carnavas was a great "headphone" album and I'm hoping this will be too. Also chicks playing bass OWN.

1230th reasonable discussion - yes!
My parents let me watch Colors when it came out on video. I was like 9 or 10 and the drive-by at the beginning freaked me out big time.

Rigs - "They don't have a Smitty's, a place where I can just be me."

Tenchu translates in English to "heaven's punishment". Which is awesome.

I hate myself for knowing this but on the show she's "MileyStewart" making Miley Cyrus's two alter egos - Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana.

Coach's East team will lose badly to Aikman in the regular season, perhaps even the opener. But Coach will whip his boys into shape turn the season around and make the playoffs, setting up an epic showdown for a trip to State. And I will love every second of it.

I have no proof to back this up but Tommy Lee Jones seems like he'd be a real a-hole.

I got three Greg Jeffries Rated Rookies in mint condition- any takers?

I happen to like Ringo, his songs were always my favorites as a kid. Just thought the anecdote was funny.

And the story goes:

Agreed but are these just CD releases? There's no mention of vinyl.

Coogan as Wilson owns: "You can't threaten me, Martin. You're a big man, but you're out of shape. Although you could sit on me."