Pants de Leon

that should actually read:

I agree FNX is pretty weak these days but from what I've experienced in other parts of the country that passes for "rock radio" or whatever, FNX is still way better than most.

More proof:

Is Snow Angels good? It's in my Netflix queue but way down the list. Does it deserve a bump up?

See also: Lovecup - Greefus Groinks and Sheet if you another great top to bottom album from Champaign-Urbana's early 90s scene. Man I love me some space rock.

Downward is Heavenward deserves a mention. Amazing from start to finish.

"the world of a Texas high school football town"

I'd agree that starting at the beginning would be best though I'd also be willing to bet that you could just pick any random episode (save for a few in season 2) and be so blown away by the depth of the acting that you'd be hooked.

Actual football probably factors into less than 10% of each episode. And there are no hillbillies. A few cowboys but no hillbillies.

You still suck.

You suck. FNL is the best show on TV and if you don't think so then you have a black hole where you're supposed to have a heart.


other thoughts
The Crucifictorious band tee that Tyra was wearing at the show was very cool.

I agree. Shame on you AVC commenters. Or maybe they actually have lives on the weekend.

Stop making stuff up Rabin.

I feel icky when I steal so I always pay. But I only buy single songs, albums I get on vinyl whenever possible.

Ditty by Paperboy
I want that song on my ipod now!!!!

I interned for a company that produced a failed ABC sitcom a while back and it seems like they are willing to go heavy on the promos even when they're not fully vested in keeping the show around. In that instance the show actually sucked and deserved to get canned but ABC was still throwing around on air promos

Top 5 what? "Women named Natasha Rishardson" because she's like number 4 on that list.

The DVD has both subtitle and dubbed options. Subtitle is the way to go. The dubbing is as Charles Barkley would say, turrrble.