cognitive d

C'mon, Christopher Lee!  "Surely you can do better!"  Clones isn't great, obviously, but Lee reading the phone book is better than Menace…

No one's mentioned The Fall yet?  "Reformation" is a great track for channeling anger and getting pumped up in general.  And if you own that album, it's a good strategy to just play that track on repeat anyway…

I love how psychotic Elmer Fudd is in that cartoon…

Oddly enough, after I worked up the courage to watch the deleted DVD scene where they actually show the ear getting sliced off, it was so fake-looking it made the actual scene in the movie more tolerable to watch, and all the more impressive of what Tarantino accomplished through camera work…

Oh, endings, schmendings, my Shepard finally scored with

Kill Bill's not a bad comparison, it's comic for the most part.  The gutting scene mentioned in the review was the toughest scene to take (and it made me wince) but nothing besides blood is actually shown (and revealing more spoils the scene, which I thought was pretty good).

Public Enemy's Apocalypse '91 and Ice Cube's Lethal Injection, which in both cases followed two masterpieces and clearly had more modest, immediate pleasures in mind.  But in both cases I was literally quivering with excitement as I pulled the wrap off the cassettes and ended up trying to convince myself it was just

"Days of 49" is a great song; not a song worth buying Self-Portrait for, though…

I started to get into the demo but this game bugged itself out of a sale (the camera was a bit loose, music and sound fx skipped out, and the cutscenes would fast forward on their own so it wasn't clear what you were supposed to do next).  Most of the time I was reminded of better games (Dark Souls with less precise

I loved his line "Children are like poems to me; I'm sure they're fascinating to their creator, but I don't want to hear them"…

Gregory Hines in Running Scared; to this day, every time I mentally flip the bird at someone his "YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!" also echoes in my brain…

I've always had a problem with the ending here, as it highlighted what I felt was a problem with the way Davison's Doctor was written.  I understand that JNT wanted a more fallible Doc but I thought they often crossed the line to ineffectual; obviously, this isn't the only DW ep guilty of a deus ex machina ending but

Who wants to be a pallbearer?

"I'll say this once, Al.  I'm sorry for how this is going to hurt."  A GREAT line in context…

I'm as big a C. Baker apologist as you'd find, but after Vengeance and Relevation it's a real tough call.  I'd go with Mark of the Rani just because the dialogue between the Doctor, Master, and Rani always cracks me up…

Count me in as liking Warriors, esp. Davison's outrage at the humans for wanting to use chemicals on the Silurians and the ending, which I'd put up with Earthshock and Androzani as the best in the Davison era.  It's a shame the FX are so horrible, even by Who standards, that they take the viewer out…

The Snerfs really freaked the shit out of me when I was six, to the point where in reruns when Kermit announced them I'd run out of the TV room.  Something about the eyes and hornbeak seemed really menacing to me rather than adorable…

They were saving that title for the sequel.

Fresh Jive -

Looking forward…
…to the Klinton Spilsbury cameo.