Little Moe Szylak

But wait, he was also our first president!

I miss Daniel Day-Lewis too, but apparently when he chooses his next role too soon, we end up with Nine. Ugh. I'd rather there be a longer gap and we get another Daniel Plainview.

- Apparently the kids used to be home-schooled, but now they go to a private school with other FLDS kids. That's how I understood it.

At least it's not Family Guy
Which would be about 75% Seth McFarlane making stupid faces while having conversations with himself.

Jim Belushi was totally on SNL, in the non-Lorne years.


Ah, you people were obviously not 13-year-old girls when Titanic came out! No regrets about seeing that one many times.

I heard what Liz said and my boyfriend heard what Carol said, and we discussed the fact that it worked out that way, so I am definitely on board with this social experiment theory.

I actually liked Studio 60, but yeah, when they showed the sketches of the show within the show, they were PAINFULLY unfunny. Also, the blonde chick was awful. Steven Weber (from Wings) was by far the best.

Yep, I'm a big fan of your blog, Myles. Welcome to AV Club!

Claire's answer makes perfect sense. Mad Men is EVERYWHERE, yet something like 1 or 2% of the US population actually watches it.

I agree that bad comedy is worse. I've watched some pretty awful "dramas" because their awfulness has entertainment value (hello, Secret Life of the American Teenager), but a bad comedy is just infuriating.

And let's not forget Jon Hamm as "pilot of the plane that guy from The OC jumps out of, thus getting stuck in the ground" in "The Ten".

South Asian characters
I think it was Alan Sepinwall who pointed out that the other NBC Thursday comedies have funny, non-token characters played by actors of South Asian descent (Kelly Kapoor, Jack's assistant Jonathan, Tom Haverford). Way to screw that up, Outsourced.

Aw, double post?! What the hell?

Just your mention of Starburns and I'm laughing. That's how I'm trying to convince my sister to watch tonight. "There is a character with star-shaped sideburns, and his name is Starburns. How can you NOT want to watch this show?"

Just your mention of Starburns and I'm laughing. That's how I'm trying to convince my sister to watch tonight. "There is a character with star-shaped sideburns, and his name is Starburns. How can you NOT want to watch this show?"

I think the potential stunt casting aspect of it is what bothers me the most. Mad Men is too good for that. What will happen? A bunch of people will tune in to see what Mel does, and have NO IDEA what is going on because you have to basically watch this show from the beginning.

This is a terrible idea
That is all.

Pretty sure Peggy is. Remember Father Colin Hanks?