Little Moe Szylak

I'd like to take this time to say that, despite being "a slick-talking empty suit" (which I totally agree with), Eric Cantor is pretty hot.

I too was infuriated that LLB had a drummer named Ringo. Really? Really?!

A salute from me, too, since I had every intention of making this joke. Glad I checked the comments first.

No kidding. 30 Seconds to Mars makes me want to punch a baby.

Jesus, I laughed so hard at this thread.

Bonne Bell
Those Dr. Pepper-flavored Lipsmackers completely ruined Dr. Pepper for me. It just tastes like lip balm to me now.

I went to Conan's LA show, and it was awesome. Also, JON HAMM WAS THERE. I would've paid double the price if I knew it would include Jon Hamm pulling the Walker, Texas Ranger Lever. Woops, I mean, the Chuck Norris Rural Policeman Handle.

Totally agree with Todd on Secret Life. And what is it with people repeating the same word or phrase over and over in a conversation? But I can't look away.

Isn't making fun of Glee on Community more about the rabid fans who tell Dan Harmon, "Your show sucks, Glee is so much better!!!"? See: "streets ahead".

Damn, I can't believe Hugh Laurie has been nominated like, 5 times for that role and never won. Cranston is great, so we can blame James Spader for this. I loved Boston Legal, but why did he keep winning?

Ugh, ShrikeTheAvatar said exactly what I've been thinking for MONTHS, ever since I first saw this preview. Idris Elba and a bunch of suck. Glad to hear it's as bad as I assumed it would be.

Samberg is funny in the digital shorts.

"Not to stereotype, but…" Holy crap! How is that not a stereotype? I'm not even close to Russian and I'm kind of offended.

I've liked her personality since the beginning. Nice to see she has some skills to go with it, and that she didn't phone it in on the elimination challenge even though she had immunity.

Nic Cage - completely agree
I can't quite pinpoint what it is, but I don't believe him in any role he does. "Look! I'm Nic Cage! I'm acting" sums it up pretty perfectly.

Me too! I cannot stop laughing. I'd be perfectly happy if it were a sketch by itself.

Jesus, while your point is hilarious, Jim Parsons would've been in the lead actor category, not the ridiculous, BS "all supporting actors who were on tv this year" category. Personally, I would've taken out Matthew Morrison and put in Jim Parsons. He's pretty much the least interesting character on Glee, at least

Even if there were a big Erin/Andy age different, at least we know she's out of high school, unlike his girlfriend in "Traveling Salesmen".

If a skit is funny, it really doesn't matter if it's topical or outdated. Last year (when Jon Hamm hosted), they did "Vincent Price's Halloween Special", and as a twenty-something, I had never heard of James Mason or Gloria Swanson but that bit was HILARIOUS (http://www.hulu.com/watch/4…. I had no idea of the

Snoop Dogg Attending
I was pretty excited to see Snoop Dogg Attending. Will Colonel Doctor be making an appearance? Or did I miss him last night?