
I'm glad Childrens Hospital got a mention. It wasn't as strong as its best years, but I still think it's underrated. At its best, it's far more than just wacky comedy. It's the most exhilaratingly insane deconstruction of expectation I've experienced.

Reality has officially turned into an episode of Childrens Hospital

I'm placing my hope vote on Childrens Hospital.

I also missed the dark humour in the later seasons. Not because I felt like the show needed comic relief, but I felt it showed intelligence in being aware that the starkness and darkness of death is also ridiculous and absurd and there is beauty in that chaos. It's why I sorta feel like the finale should have ended

I used to feel this way. Strongly, actually, but upon re-watching I ended up liking him a lot. Once you accept how annoying he is, or once you stop hoping he makes good decisions, he becomes very funny.