
I don't know about Bernard. He's the only "human" on site shown to at least have a connection to the outside world when he video chatted with his wife (or ex-wife, i dunno). The techs being robots I completely buy though. What would be the point of paying people to do menial jobs if you could just create them?

I'm hoping it's breakfast smoke.  bacon preferably.  if there's one thing this show needs it's more breakfast.

the "two least beloved remaining starks?" you've got to be kidding man.  robb was like, a million times more loved than sansa is or ever was.

samwell is actually the firstborn son of randyll tarly.  he was just disowned and forced to join the night's watch because his father thought him a coward and liked his younger brother better.  i guess he can be seen as a figurative "second son" though because of his disownment.

yeah, stannis' vision could be the battle of castle black, but maybe he misread it (like melisandre often does) and it's really the battle of winterfell.

they weren't "gloating" over the heinz account.  neither one of the agencies won the "bake off."  a third agency ending up closing the deal, hence the "mind if we join the lonely hearts club" statement from ted when he enters the bar with peggy.

maybe i'll have to check it out again since i respect your opinions highly todd.

yes, i said the rest of the cast was incredible as well didn't i?  the only reason i didn't mention the actress that potrayed livia along with hurt was because i couldn't remember her name and didn't feel like looking it up.

I, Claudius is amazing.  I actually watched it for the first time in Latin class when I was in high school.  The teacher didn't even fast forward through the sex and nudity!  John Hurt gave a pretty amazing performance as Caligula and the rest of the cast is incredible as well.  Highly recommended.