
Someone dragged me to a Jimmy Buffett concert once. In an effort to relax & go with the flow I drank way too much. I had a huge blow up with the friend who had dragged me there & then wandered around the venue lecturing strangers on why Buffett & his music sucked so much (his stage show is so lackadaisacal &

"I'll be keeping an eye on Rupert Sanders."

"I'll be keeping an eye on Rupert Sanders."

This is the girl.

This is the girl.

"the most tastefully shot, artfully middlebrow handjob in film history."

"the most tastefully shot, artfully middlebrow handjob in film history."

I turned 43 years old this week & I have no idea what the headline to this article means. Nor, indeed, any idea what the article itself means.

I turned 43 years old this week & I have no idea what the headline to this article means. Nor, indeed, any idea what the article itself means.

I too was disappointed when they revealed the chefs would be recreating old school dishes instead of "being inspired by" old school dishes.

I too was disappointed when they revealed the chefs would be recreating old school dishes instead of "being inspired by" old school dishes.

Tarkovsky's former AD, is that you?

Tarkovsky's former AD, is that you?

Yeah, it's interesting that Meadow, the "smart" one, gets drawn in the deepest to the Mob life by the end of the series despite her attempts to resist it earlier, while A.J., the dumb but "empathetic" one (as was much remarked upon in earlier comments) seems to be somewhat protected from full absorption into the Mafia

Yeah, it's interesting that Meadow, the "smart" one, gets drawn in the deepest to the Mob life by the end of the series despite her attempts to resist it earlier, while A.J., the dumb but "empathetic" one (as was much remarked upon in earlier comments) seems to be somewhat protected from full absorption into the Mafia

And I play The Last Waltz while I'm cooking, not that anyone asked.

And I play The Last Waltz while I'm cooking, not that anyone asked.



You Fix-a My Leg Or I Break-a Yours