
Do you know a lot of rich good people?


I think this finale is going to be really special. After being disappointed by Alicia's ouster in politics and her old firm, the last two episodes have shown that she's finding herself. I'm looking forward to going on that journey with her.

That was such a beautiful, critical response. Thank you for that.

I think it's more likely that Kalinda kills Bishop. Okay, maybe I don't think it's more likely. Maybe I want her to. I want Kalinda to be a cold blooded killer and have killed her husband, then killed Bishop. They're both dangerous men who've screwed with many innocent people and deserve some womanhandling.

Does it really seem like setting Alicia up is too far out of Peter's cynical sphere? Peter is tantamount to a sociopath. Even I really started loving him in season 4 when he had that whole Kristeva villain to ward off and he punched him on behalf of the Florrick family. I'm not convinced Peter isn't a villain here.