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    Yeah, that really sucks.  I thought they were getting someone new to review the show.  Are they not covering it anymore?  It'd be nice to know.

    I think it's kind of like the whole Stephen King thing, where it's someone confronted with mortality and left to feel desperate that they have to leave as much of a mark as they can on the world.   On top of the fact that with Ebert's condition, posting words to the internet is now a more primary form of communication

    Can't stand him, but I've never had the courage to come forward.  Thank you, sexyoldbag, for holding the door open.

    Only the first paragraph?  Why, you haven't even gotten to where the author purchases the album yet!

    Please please please don't say bad things about the products I define myself by okay?

    I wanted to like Dagon more than I did.  The set design was great, but it kind of lost me when it introduced an exposition dump character midway through that was completely unintelligible.

    It was remade with Julia Stiles a couple of years ago.  Not completely awful.

    Not to mention in interviews Jason Lee has outright said that the reality of Memphis was too troubled to film in.  So fuck him and this show, basically.

    It makes you an annoying dipshit for asking.

    I wasn't a fan of hers going in, and this didn't do anything to change that.  She deserves some kind of weird kudos for being both boring and offensive.  I'm glad she dusted off a bit about the French and how we beat them in the war.

    what?  what did you say?

    Does anyone remember a late 90's sorta rip off of X-Files that the only thing I can recall is the concept was "When you see something out of the corner of your eye, that's really ______"  whatever, an alien or some bullshit, I can't remember.  I just remember that idea tripping me out at the time.  I wish I knew what

    Invasion only lasted one season, which is a shame because the finale actually had things happen in it.

    As humorless as Timothy Dalton was as James Bond, I was pleasantly surprised to see how funny he was as the villain in this.

    Mea culpa? Damn, he really is smarter…

    the 80s
    It's cool that the hero of Revenge of the Nerds raped the villain's girlfriend hard enough for her to fall in love with him.

    You can visit Calendar Man's cell in the first game. No sign of him though.