
"Here's ten quid, keep the painting and punch Ricky in the balls for me."

I never watched more than a few minutes of Crusade but I would've liked to have heard more about this Apocalypse Box as well.

I never watched more than a few minutes of Crusade but I would've liked to have heard more about this Apocalypse Box as well.



WHY is it, that it's been TWENTY FUCKIN' YEARS, and people are STILL misspelling it "Mimbari!?!"

WHY is it, that it's been TWENTY FUCKIN' YEARS, and people are STILL misspelling it "Mimbari!?!"

I actually don't want Betty to be in the finale simply because I think
that little warm smile while hugging Sally would be the perfect note to
end her actress's career.

I actually don't want Betty to be in the finale simply because I think
that little warm smile while hugging Sally would be the perfect note to
end her actress's career.

Agreed.  And Weiner & Co. are almost flaunting it now; think of how many events this season would've EASILY been shark-jumping moments on other shows?  Roger takes an acid trip!  Layne beats Pete up!  Joan whores herself for the company!

Agreed.  And Weiner & Co. are almost flaunting it now; think of how many events this season would've EASILY been shark-jumping moments on other shows?  Roger takes an acid trip!  Layne beats Pete up!  Joan whores herself for the company!

Hot people, weird magic, exotic locales.  This is basically medieval LOST, isn't it?

Hot people, weird magic, exotic locales.  This is basically medieval LOST, isn't it?

Oh, I forgot one.  There's also "makin' whoopie," which works if you're trying to be a polite hillbilly from the 70s.

Oh, I forgot one.  There's also "makin' whoopie," which works if you're trying to be a polite hillbilly from the 70s.

A lot of the other alternatives have a pretty mean connotation.  Does it sound like I respect someone who I "banged," "fucked," or "screwed?"

A lot of the other alternatives have a pretty mean connotation.  Does it sound like I respect someone who I "banged," "fucked," or "screwed?"

He abandoned the meeting, and presumably there are provisions in the partnership agreement that make consent by x% of the partners or partnership interests valid.

He abandoned the meeting, and presumably there are provisions in the partnership agreement that make consent by x% of the partners or partnership interests valid.

I thought the same thing after watching that scene: "That's a Winger Speech!"