Unabomber + Girl Scout 4 life!
Unabomber + Girl Scout 4 life!
The racist zombie sketch is so perfect. I want more yet I'm so damn happy they had the restraint to keep it short.
The one and only time I ever enjoyed Budweiser was after spending an entire day toiling on a farm my friend was working to reestablish. We were hot and tired as fuck, and also broke and in BFE so no Labatt*, but it actually was the most perfect drink at that moment.
My favorite so far.
We all want peace, but it's always just out of reach.
Thank you, door!
Wait, dogs can't talk!
If you fuck with my RuPaul so help me I'll stab a bitch.
Dear other AVClub writers:
Stop trying to emulate O'Neal.
One night? Fucking pshaw. Get back to me when you retroactively have your grandma for sick from school daycare and have an embarrassing knowledge of Price Is Right, Growing Pains, and Golden Girls because that's what you watched until Mom picked you up.
Fuck you, Yoshimi is awesome. There can be two things.
Whoops, shouldn't have that Bar Association logo here either.
Oh, NOW I get it!
A) Zaireeka was kind of a let down (I listened but fortunately didn't participate in the logistical planning that included 2/4 stereos on a balcony with timing instructions shouted between floors)
Ack. I haven't watched Catch 22 for that exact reason. Maybe I'll give it a shot now.
My favorite riff OF ALL TIME
This is why I respect the ACLU. If people aren't free to say asinine things, how can I mock them?